Khamis, 23 September 2010

Tenang Juga Akhirnya

Yeah, merdeka!!!! Hari ni hari terakhir UPSR. Murid2 sda boleh bergembira. Hny menunggu keputusan shj. Guru2? Mesti tgh berpeluh menunggu keajaiban yg berlaku tahun ni. Begitu juga ngan aku. Masa murid2 tgh menjawab subjek aku, x tenang aku duduk. kjp ke kantin, kejap ke bilik guru, kejap ke pejabat am, kjp ke library, kejap sana, kejap sini... Fuh macam abis satu skolah aku ronda. Yelah, nama pun risau, mana boleh berkaraoke. Hahaha... Tp bila dah abis, mcm dah hilang lori 10 tan d atas badan aku. Tenanggggg je. Buat murid2 tahun 6 tu, ingat kejap ja kamu gembira. Lps ni byk benda aku nak suruh korg suma buat. Membina rumah guru, menyemen longkang, membuat pendawaian dalam kelas, mengecat bangunan... Hahahaha... Blum termasuk kontrak pembersihan kawasan sekolah. Habislaaa korg.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Rabu, 22 September 2010

20-point agreement (Sabah) - Part 1

Point 1: Religion

While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in North Borneo, and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to North Borneo.

Point 2: Language

  • a. Malay should be the national language of the Federation
  • b. English should continue to be used for a period of 10 years after Malaysia Day
  • c. English should be an official language of North Borneo for all purposes, State or Federal, without limitation of time.

Point 3: Constitution

Whilst accepting that the present Constitution of the Federation of Malaya should form the basis of the Constitution of Malaysia, the Constitution of Malaysia should be a completely new document drafted and agreed in the light of a free association of states and should not be a series of amendments to a Constitution drafted and agreed by different states in totally different circumstances. A new Constitution for North Borneo (Sabah) was of course essential.

Point 4: Head of Federation

The Head of State in North Borneo should not be eligible for election as Head of the Federation.

Point 5: Name of Federation

“Malaysia” but not “Melayu Raya”

Point 6: Immigration

Control over immigration into any part of Malaysia from outside should rest with the Central Government but entry into North Borneo should also require the approval of the State Government. The Federal Government should not be able to veto the entry of persons into North Borneo for State Government purposes except on strictly security grounds. North Borneo should have unfettered control over the movements of persons other than those in Federal Government employ from other parts of Malaysia into North Borneo.

Point 7: Right of Secession

There should be no right to secede from the Federation.

Point 8: Borneanisation

Borneanisation of the public service should proceed as quickly as possible.

Point 9: British Officers

Every effort should be made to encourage British Officers to remain in the public service until their places can be taken by suitably qualified people from North Borneo.

Point 10: Citizenship

The recommendation in paragraph 148(k) of the Report of the Cobbold Commission should govern the citizenship rights in the Federation of North Borneo subject to the following amendments:

  • a) sub-paragraph (i) should not contain the proviso as to five years residence
  • b) in order to tie up with our law, sub-paragraph (ii)(a) should read “7 out of 10 years” instead of “8 out of 10 years”
  • c) sub-paragraph (iii) should not contain any restriction tied to the citizenship of parents – a person born in North Borneo after Malaysia must be federal citizen.

Source :

Isnin, 20 September 2010

Semoga Berjaya (Murid-muridku)

Sebelum terlanjur kata, Selamat Hari Raya pembuka bicara, Maafkan dosa yang tercela, agar kita tetap bersaudara... Hehehe... Lama x post blog ni. Maklumla masa raya ni aku d kg. Jadi x bole online. Br ari ni (20.09.2010) ada kesempatan. Esok bermulalah UPSR buat murid2 tahun 6 2010. Sudahkah bersedia? Harap2 dapat la mengaplikasikan segala ilmu yg telah dicurahkan oleh guru2. Jgn dibiarkan ilmu itu menjadi sia-sia. Pastikan semuanya lengkap. Ingat! Alat tulis yg baru tidak akan membantu menjawab soalan.Hanya ilmu yg sentiasa dikemaskini yg akan membantu. Hanya diri sendiri yg akan menentukan hala tuju sendiri. Guru2 hanya mampu memberi petunjuk, bayangan, cadangan.... sendiri yang pilih. Jgn kecewakan mereka yg mengharapkan kejayaan kamu semua. Hanya doa yang dapat dilakukan masa ini. Jd wahai murid2 ku, pilihlah hala tuju kamu semua... Aku hny mampu melihat kamu dari bilik guru semasa UPSR nanti. Aku berdoa agar kamu dapat menjawab soalan dengan hati yg tenang (bukan bermaksud tidur). Ingat pesanan yng sentiasa aku ungkapkan ketika di kelas, "Kita mulakan dengan..... Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..."

Semoga Berjaya Semua. All The Best.

Tiada guru mengharapkan kegagalan dari anak didiknya...